Friday, July 9, 2010

How Much Is A Half Head Of Highlights?

Aromatherapy: Jasmine is like Valium

The jasmine fragrance Vertacetal-Couer binds in the brain to the same receptor as benzodiazepines, barbiturates and anesthetic propofol.

At least in mice, physiologist in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (2010, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.103309) demonstrated a sedative effect.

Aromatherapy, the conditional and mood disorders treated by different fragrances, is by conventional medicine is not taken seriously. Perhaps wrongly, as the inhaled fragrance materials get on the circuit in the brain, where they may well have an effect.

Olga Sergeeva's group from the University of Dusseldorf can now show that Vertacetal-coeur (or chemical variant PI24513), the activity of a (well-known of 19) variants modulate the GABA receptor.

The variant are localized in the sleep-wake center in the hypothalamus. The activity of the "sleep active" receptors was increased in the experiments in the same way as benzodiazepines, barbiturates or propofol.

This does not necessarily mean that Jasmin could be (in appropriate doses) as a sedative or even used as a narcotic. A certain calming effect was however observed in experimental animals that were exposed in a plexiglass cage in higher concentrations of the odorants.

Mice shall cease all activity and sit quietly in the corner, the researchers report, can also imagine a human anti-anxiety, sedative, arousal and aggression-depressant or sleeping adjoining effect. Documents can not by animal studies. Require reform of clinical trials are conducted.

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