The day after Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving) began on Friday the Christmas season for retailers to officially. On Wall Street was trading on that day with very low turnover and low rates only until 13:00 clock. The shortened course of a week - on Thursday the stock markets were closed - brought up on the counter market slight negative numbers. Also, the Dax had a hard time to close in positive territory. Nevertheless, market players with the old annual yield to be satisfied.
The clear loser in the € (red arrows) was. The Ireland-crisis took their toll. However, the euro is still above its purchasing power parity of $ 1.25 and is far from weak. From $ 1.30 U.S. dollars to exchange positions again gradually in €.
the precious metals sector is the winner of the year, while silver is at the top (green arrow). The oil price has since recovered fully, although here I was maintaining my skepticism.
rose Corporate profits after tax to a record high of $ 1.427 trillion (green arrow) in the third quarter! Compared with the previous year this is an improvement of over 28% (blue arrow). End of 2008, profits fell 50% (red arrow) and were under $ 700 billion (yellow arrow). Although the improvement trend can not continue in the same form, further increases in profits in the fourth quarter are realistic.
The American consumer is a little more optimism in the Christmas season (green arrow). The retailers reported higher sales this weekend compared to last year. Economic growth can thus keep the 3% mark in short supply.
The auto sector has significant price improvement for a year. This benefited both the American Ford's shares and the German Volkswagen's share price. The Japanese car manufacturer Toyota is slightly down compared to its previous level, as there was came here to mass complaints. The current rate is therefore a chance to get started on 9-15 month view.
The Toyota shares I give a price potential of 20% - 30% until the first quarter of 2012. The purchase of yen level 3000-3400 is to be considered. The downward trend (red line) is clearly broken.
Further comments and recommendations on the hotline. The next blog will be available on Monday, 6 December.
Heiko Thieme