You speak of weakness. Close to my ear, and we look at each other, directly. We are looking for strength and I am weak and you are strong, begiebst up into position judge, look down on you and me, lying there, and I do not know. Do not differentiate between the strengths and weaknesses, differentiate only between you and me and what we are and what I see and grab. Weakness unequal strength is equal to surface attack: harassment at school and in professional life and every relationship. Proposals and comments, and salary and contract extensions and residential communities, and communities. meet on an equal footing: Where do we get this one eye level remains constant or does it depend on who gets up first with which leg. One will always be first and we look at each other and we say nothing and you judge you on oder ich richte mich auf und du gehst oder ich gehe: Es ist schon sehr lange her. Das nächste Mal nehmen wir uns nicht in den Arm und reißen uns in Fetzen stattdessen, die wir lieben können und akzeptieren können und die kein Ganzes mehr ergeben (müssen).
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