act and we oppose it. Not only to ourselves when we do what we have not done or not done what we set out, nor others, if we a (drawers) thought not meet or do not act, as assumed, is that is traded. We do not work. We are not a machine that complains only when the juice goes out and otherwise nice runs and has no pain and no objections and no problems. We live and think and feel and do quite a lot and do not see, do not get it. Why we should understand that. Why should we restrain ourselves in what appears to us pleasant. Man is selfish in itself. By this we change anything. It is perhaps only a question of how to deal with the selfishness, or rather a question of how to deal with the other. If we know that we all share this characteristic, including, yes, we can adjust to and meet in the middle. Of course, we are selfish. We're the only thing we have and can access and change, and ours. We are just ourselves and no one else and that we are not always the next one (after all we love and the heart again and again), but what we love, we are not and can not control.
We therefore can act as we please. Or else, we act the way we appear properly in some form. A universal right and wrong it is a universal but not in that sense. Is it as wrong, someone to do mentally hurt when it is the only way to ward off damage from itself. Or it is right to raise his voice against brawling teenagers when you can expect to make everything worse. The answers are so simple at first: Yes, wrong and yes, correct. Lens.
But we are not objective. We are beings with experience and personalities that influence us in every step that we do. And even if we believe, how to act in given situations, we can not expect to make the episode too. We pinch, are afraid to be angry or sad or whatever. We are not heroes: nobody needs heroes. Heroes make the ordinary people and small and worthless are figures that we have invented in order to believe in something better . But: No one is better than another if each according to its values in its essence is. And also to share values since, where and how they develop, and are not good or bad. They are simple and it totally subjective.
We all know what you do not do and what is forbidden and what restrictions should be broken and that it certainly is not because they have full rights. We all know we need rules in life. But we also know all how to drive a car, without endangering others and how much can we drink before we go to the ground and how we should behave in the presence of people who impress us. We know that we are tired or distracted by too little sleep. We know that we have to eat and drink and company and we need also know that we are not the only ones who need it and still have an imbalance. Within us and around us. If tired, break rules, sometimes eat too little and sometimes drink too much and sometimes too little and sometimes too much and behave in the presence of strange people who impress us and oppose us and our plans and expectations. Estimates are based on schemes that we see and do see andor assume, then, that ever something similar or the same or the opposite was. At least an idea of what we expect to be there. And I think: we can not expect anything from us or others. We can only hope.
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